Thursday, April 16, 2009

It’s been awhile

So, I didn't seem to live up to my promise to keep this thing updated. Life got busy. Not that it wasn't already, but I've gotten tied up with work and we've been working on some projects at home. And it doesn't help that the hubby and I both like time at the computer, and often he wins out because of the things he's working on. Or I get distracted with the kids, housework or whatever. So, I'm hopeful that I can do a better job of keeping it moving. We'll see….

Monday, January 5, 2009


I've become a huge follower of this new blog (new to me!) as well - inchmark. There are just so many great ideas!! I love her I wonder if I could pull any of that off!


Ok, so if you haven't seen these oh, so cute creations, you have to take a peek. I especially love the latest Hello Kitty cake. My daughter would totally be in love with that one... Check out Bakerella when you get a chance. She also does an awesome job of providing instructions along with inspiration!

Starting up again...

So its been ages and ages since I started this. It's a new year, so hopefully I can set some new habits and get this thing rolling again. kick it off. A favorite foodie blog that has great instructions and wonderful, tasty recipes...
Yes, it is a company, but they do a great job of giving you pictures to go with the recipes so that you know what you're getting yourself into. The King Arthur Flour blog is wonderful!!