Monday, January 5, 2009


I've become a huge follower of this new blog (new to me!) as well - inchmark. There are just so many great ideas!! I love her I wonder if I could pull any of that off!


Ok, so if you haven't seen these oh, so cute creations, you have to take a peek. I especially love the latest Hello Kitty cake. My daughter would totally be in love with that one... Check out Bakerella when you get a chance. She also does an awesome job of providing instructions along with inspiration!

Starting up again...

So its been ages and ages since I started this. It's a new year, so hopefully I can set some new habits and get this thing rolling again. kick it off. A favorite foodie blog that has great instructions and wonderful, tasty recipes...
Yes, it is a company, but they do a great job of giving you pictures to go with the recipes so that you know what you're getting yourself into. The King Arthur Flour blog is wonderful!!